File->New data file or click on "new"-icon
in the tool bar
Fill out the form (see figure below)
Choose directory and directory structure: Flat Directory
or DircetoryPerTreatment
Setup image directory
Setup data file (output file)
Click the check boxes to show Outlines and
Gallery BBoxes
Clikt the Button Segmentation Setup to adjust segmentation
Select a color channel for primary segmentation (drop down menu in the upper left corner).
Select a segmentation algorithm (drop down menu in the uppler right corner).
Open File
There are three ways to open a data file:
Menu: File->Open File
Press the Open File icon in the tool bar
Drag & Drop: drag the data file from the file manager and drop it in the main window (anywhere, except in the central gallery viewer)
A progress bar and a Abort-button will appear at the bottom of the main window.
Select items in the gallery viewer:
Douple click on an item. (selects only one item)
Click on multiple items while the Ctrl-button is pressed
Drage the mouse over multiple items while the Ctrl-button is pressed
The gallery view has a context Menu. Note the sub menu Quick Sort,
which is a efficient and fast way for sorting the gallery.
Refresh - updates the display (shortcut "F5").
Select all - select all items in the gallery.
Invert selection - invert selection in the gallery.
Quick Sort - sort the items by cosine similarly, the currently selected item(s) serve as reference example for the similarity measure.
Sorting and Ranking
Select at least one item in the gallery.
Click on the Quick Sort button in the toolbar or
Click on the Quick Sort button in the context menu
After sorting the select item is placed in the upper left corner of the gallery.
Classifier training
Choose a classifier in the drop down menau (SVC, One class SVM or Manual Classifier)
Setup the classes ( button in the tool bar)
Select items in the gallery and press the
-button to assign the sample to a certain class.
Hover the other buttons and controls to see tooltips
There is a big button labeled "Predict"
Training of a support vector classifier.
Data Export
The Menu Data Export offers three options:
Screenshot of the gallery
Table of class counts
Data table (one line per cell)
Simple box- and bar graphs can be displayed using either the corresponding menu or shortcuts (P+ 1-5). The plots give a quick overview over the class counts and dedicated features.
Following plots are available:
Bargraph grouped by class.
Bargraph grouped by treatment.
Boxplot - Intesity
Boxplot - Size
Boxplot - Standard Deviation of Intesity
Mean intesity per experimental condition grouped by class.